Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Expert Oracle Signature Edition

A few days ago, I saw the famous Tom Kyte's 'Expert Edition' in a bookshop. As his helpful and endearing style was well-known from the asktom site, I quickly bought it. Needless to say, the book is superlative. I encountered nearly all the things I expected to see. But what was shameful was the fact that this famous book was not seen in a shop that always has more than a hundred titles on Oracle!

I expected to see a few questions answered on Dynamic SQL and bind variables. Kyte's explanation is lucid, and considerable thought has gone into the presentation as well as choice of scenarios. (How does he manage?) I am conversant with the styles of a few best-selling and effective Oracle authors (from Osborne and O'Reilly), but Tom has his own place.

It is time well-utilised, and money well spent, when you invest in a Tom Kyte book. You immediately have an urge to read it cover-to-cover, something which happens only because the writing style is so engaging. The format is also very readable, and the publisher has managed to keep it easy to read in spite of such small print.

As Ken Jacobs points out, the book forces you to think, and differently. This is one advantage the book has over the asktom site (though a book and a web site serve entirely different purposes). The book encourages you to find answers after setting up a solutions "template." Of course, every book tries to do just about the same thing, but this book succeeds.

And that is why I find myself off to the bookstore to place an order for the next Tom Kyte book.


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